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6 Steps to Stress-Free Tax Filing in 2016
May 4, 2015

If you’re like millions of other Americans, you filed your federal income taxes last month. Now, you feel as though you need a month-long vacation to recover from the trauma. If you’re tired of the shock and exhaustion that tax season seems to bring to your life each spring, there…

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Is Your Retirement Fund Losing Money?
April 26, 2015

One of the best ways to prepare for your future is to make regular, tax-advantaged contributions to a 401(k) fund. But if you make the wrong choices, it’s also easy for the account to lose money. You may already know that taking early withdrawals results in big fees. But there’s…

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Three Steps to the Right Life Insurance Policy
April 20, 2015

A good life insurance policy is one of the best ways to protect your family’s future. But when you’re shopping for a life insurance policy, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by all of your options. How do you know what type of policy is right for you? How much protection…

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Stay Safe When Shopping Online
March 23, 2015

Online shopping grows in popularity more and more each year. Whether you’re too busy to hit the mall, or just prefer to avoid crowds and long lines, it’s easy to see why you might prefer shopping from the comfort of your own living room. But online shopping can also be…

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Access Social Security Benefits Online
March 16, 2015

Any time you interact with a large government organization, it may be no surprise when you find yourself waiting on the phone or in crowded offices. So when it’s time to get ask the Social Security Administration for an update on your Social Security benefits, it’s no wonder that you…

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3 Retirement Strategy Steps to Take This Year
March 9, 2015

January is long gone, and the time for resolutions is over… or is it? It’s never too late to make changes to your retirement! In fact, there are three retirement strategy steps you should take this year. Take the time to make the following three changes in 2015, and you…

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3 Ways to Reduce Your Tax Burden
March 2, 2015

If you’re getting ready to write a big check to the IRS, you might be thinking “I need to make sure this doesn’t happen again next year”. Of course, taxes are just a part of life… But there are a few ways you can potentially lower your tax burden. Defer…

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Why Would Anyone Work After Retirement?
February 23, 2015

When you think of retirement, the first thought that comes to mind is probably, “I can’t wait to quit working”. And yet, many retirees actually go back to work at some point during their retirement years, or simply keep working part time from the beginning. In fact, the American Association…

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Disaster-Proof Your Retirement Plan
February 16, 2015

None of us have a crystal ball that can predict events on Wall Street, but we do know that the stock market tends to be volatile and unpredictable at times. If you’re concerned about protecting your assets, the time to act is before a market downturn. Schedule a consultation with…

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Maximize Your 401(k) Fund
February 9, 2015

Without a doubt, you want to save as much as you can for retirement, and you’re probably already contributing to your company-provided 401(k) fund. But you may still be uncertain of whether you’re saving enough, or if you could change your strategy for the better. The following methods can help…

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